If you want to know "who" you are, know "what" brought you "where" you are now.
Knowing "where" you are allows you to ask "when" and "how" you got to your present state.
"Why" is the question you ask yourself when it's time to go on your next journey, not when your journey brings you to a dead end.
To feel lost in life is to lose track of "who" that brought you here.
You are "who".
"What" hurts when you are in denial about the thing that "who" did.
Your hands and feet are "what".
"Where" is illusive to "who" even though it desperately wants "who" to catch it.
Your desire is "where".
People are often surprised that "when" arrives as it wants, but to be surprised about "when" is to fail to realize that "who" is "where".
"When" is now.
"How" comes from a long distance to make "who" and "where" happen "when".
"How" is a fond friend of "what".
Your eyes are "how".
Most people are angry at "why" because "when" is always in between "who" and "where", but all "why" wants to do is help include "what" by support of "how".
"Why" is choice.
The power to change the fate of "who" comes from knowing "how" to be wrong by being friends with "why" first.
That way, no one is surprised that "how" and "when" arrives beside "where" and "who" with "what".
In other words...
Choose to see now what you desire by what you are doing.
Next post: https://ninjamindset.blogspot.com/2020/05/side-by-side.html
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