You might think that liars get away with lying to you.
And that might lead you to believe that you can't trust what people say.
That couldn't be further from the truth. Do not let a liar, cause you to think like one.
Maintain your idea of trust within yourself, because what you don't know is that words respect themselves more than its owner that speaks them.
Words MUST live out what has been spoken. Words are hound dogs.
Liars don't get away with anything.
The liars you meet have been living out the judgment of their sentence long before they met you. That is why many of them come to you with sob stories. They try to find someone who can catch their words so they don't have to.
If you want a liar to fail, GET OUT OF THEIR WAY.
Do not give that person back their word, and do not show them compassion for refusing to follow through with their word. Let their word continue to chase them.
Their word will lead them off the edge of a cliff and, like a ruler who is leading people to ruin, will execute them for being betrayed.
A liar's pants are truly on fire.
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